Optional parameters

Additional parameters that can be used for additional grid settings.

Execute orders one by one with delay in seconds.

Time to sleep after grid execution in seconds.

Should buy orders place first or not.

An example of a simple grid

The grid will place two sell orders and two buy orders, each at a 0.5% increment from the current market price. The order amount will be calculated as 10 divided by the current market price. Orders will be placed at 1-second intervals, with a 60-second gap between each cycle. Sell orders will be placed first.

    "execute_price": "ticker()*(1+0.005*order_pos)",
    "execute_volume": "10/ticker()",
    "buy_orders_count": "2",
    "sell_orders_count": "2",
    "time_between_orders": "1",
    "sleep_after_seconds": "60",
    "is_buy_first": "0"

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