Buy Orders Count

The parameter responsible for the number of buy orders placed.

buy_orders_count [integer | formula -> [integer]]

Non-negative number of side=’buy orders to place. Accepts values of integer and decimal types. It is possible to use formula as value. If-else logic is also supported. When using float values, they are rounded down to the nearest whole number.


2 buy orders will be placed.

"buy_orders_count": "2"

5 buy orders will be placed if the current total base token balance less than 5000.

"buy_orders_count": "5 if balance('base').total < 5000 else 0"

5 if balance('base').total < 5000 else 0

5 buy orders will be placed if the current total counter token group balance exceeds 5000.

"buy_orders_count": "5 if group_balance('counter') > 5000 else 0"

5 if group_balance('counter') > 5000 else 0

A buy order will be placed if the current total base token group balance is lower than the starting one and the first ask price is lower than the fair price, which is calculated based on the ratio of the differences in the starting and current balances of the base token and counter token.

"buy_orders_count": "1 if orderbook().ask[0].price < (group_balance('base') -group_balance('base')'counter') -group_balance('counter') and group_balance('base') > group_balance('base') else 0"

1 if orderbook().ask[0].price < (group_balance('base')'base')'counter')'counter') and group_balance('base') > group_balance('base') else 0

Random number of buy order will be placed in range [0, 10], rounded down.

"buy_orders_count": "random() * 10"

random() * 10

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