Buying and Selling When the 15-Minute RSI Exits a Defined Range

Execute buy and sell orders when the 15-minute RSI moves outside the specified range of values.

  "max_bid": "mean([candle.close for candle in candles_m15])",
  "min_ask": "mean([candle.close for candle in candles_m15])",
  "rsi_m15": "rsi(candles('m15', 'base-counter'), period=14, column='close')[0]",
  "candles_m15": "candles('m15', 'base-counter')",
  "execute_price": "min(orderbook().ask[0].price,max_bid) if side == 'buy' else max(orderbook().bid[0].price,min_ask)",
  "execute_volume": "10 / ticker()",
  "buy_orders_count": "1 if rsi_m15 < 30 else 0",
  "sell_orders_count": "1 if rsi_m15 > 70 else 0",
  "sleep_after_seconds": "300"

Buy Orders: Triggered when the RSI falls below 30, executed at the first ask price.

Sell Orders: Triggered when the RSI rises above 70, executed at the first bid price.

In this example, 15-minute candlestick data is used to calculate the average closing price

mean([candle.close for candle in candles_m15])

and the RSI

rsi(candles('m15', 'base-counter'), period=14, column='close')[0]

Sell Orders:

If the RSI exceeds 70, a sell order is placed every 300 seconds (as specified by "sleep_after_seconds": "300") at the best bid price, provided it is not lower than the average closing price of the last 100 fifteen-minute candlesticks.

"sell_orders_count": "1 if rsi_m15 > 70 else 0"

Buy Orders:

If the RSI falls below 30, a buy order is placed every 300 seconds at the best ask price, provided it is not higher than the average closing price of the last 100 fifteen-minute candlesticks.

"buy_orders_count": "1 if rsi_m15 < 30 else 0"

Last updated